Saturday, June 1, 2013

Mother Crusader: Could YOUR District Lose Real Funds To K12 Inc.'s Virtual Charter?

Mother Crusader: Could YOUR District Lose Real Funds To K12 Inc.'s Virtual Charter?:

Could YOUR District Lose Real Funds To K12 Inc.'s Virtual Charter?

Well folks, it's getting close to that time of year again, when almighty Education Commissioner Chris Cerf decides which charters get to play in the big leagues and which need to sit back down on the bench for another year. One that was benched last year but is hoping to come up to the plate in September is K12 Inc.'s New Jersey Virtual Academy Charter School (NJVACS).

K12 Inc. CEO Ron Packard celebrates the company’s
listing on the New York Stock Exchange in 2007
I've written extensively about what a disaster K12 Inc. is hereherehere and here.  Highlights include K12 Inc. CEO Ron Packard making over 5 million dollars in 2011, Packard's friends and allies selling virtual learning to the NJ Legislature and K12 Inc. potentially getting paid over $5,500 more to virtually educate kidsin NJ than they get to virtually educate kids in Arizona.

K12 Inc. is running into trouble getting it's doors open in states like Maine and North Carolina, and K12 Inc. disasters keep piling up in state after state.  TheAtlanta Journal-Constitution has done some great stories on K12 Inc. and problems not only at the Georgia Cyber Academy, but other K12 Inc. virtuals around the country as well.
The last time we discussed Georgia Cyber Academy was in response to