Saturday, June 8, 2013

Missouri Education Watchdog: A Teacher Explains Common Core Data Collection Factually and Creatively

Missouri Education Watchdog: A Teacher Explains Common Core Data Collection Factually and Creatively:

A Teacher Explains Common Core Data Collection Factually and Creatively

Connecticut teacher Paul Bogush wrote an article explaining the connection between Common Core and data collection.  It is a multi-layered issue and difficult to understand. The puzzlement (and the derision of those thinking there is a connection) of readers on this subject is apparent.  I picked this up from twitter:

My time on #stopcommoncore tells me kids will get iris scans? What? #ccss I don't see any standard on retina security. #corespiracy

It's obvious this twitter user believes those who question/want to stop common core propagate conspiracy theories.  How do you explain common core and the connection between longitudinal data systems in 140 characters or less?   Bogush does a good job explaining why common core and data collection is intertwined both in the article and in his response to a teacher in Sweden asking about how a national system will work in the United States.

You can find A post for the Common Core Lemmingshere.  He prefaces the article:

Please realize that despite its length, this post is a quick overview of where the data on your