Friday, June 14, 2013

FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Friday, June 14, 2013

FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team:

Fensterwald: State Board handed job of defining rules of new funding system

Education Headlines

Friday, June 14, 2013

Cause of Santa Ana Valley High School blast remains unknown

Fire and school officials have been unable to investigate the cause of an explosion at Santa Ana Valley High School because the building is too unstable to enter, officials said Wednesday.

Natomas Unified trustee on campaign to videotape meetings

Trustee Ryan Herche wants Natomas Unified School Board meetings videotaped. He promised it when he campaigned for his school board seat last year. But last night, the rest of the school board disagreed, Herche said. They said it is too expensive and would take too much staff time, said Herche, the only board member in support of the proposal.

New school funding formula 'largest change in 40 years'

It's being hailed as a historic shift in how California funds public schools, a new formula that will simplify an overly complex funding system, increase resources for the neediest of students and give local school districts greater control over how they allocate resources.

Ousted superintendent gets year's pay

A year's salary to be paid in monthly installments was the chief item in a retirement agreement approved for ousted San Ysidro School District Superintendent Manuel Paul. Details of the package were voted on shortly before midnight Friday at the regular school board meeting at the Multicultural Complex in San Ysidro.

West Contra Costa school district ratifies contract with teachers

The West Contra Costa school district board ratified a three-year contract with its teachers Wednesday evening, calling for 2 percent annual increases in compensation.

Group urges teachers' raises based on student achievement

A local advocacy group is pushing for teachers' raises and bonuses based on whether instructors are willing to take on difficult assignments and on whether they deliver measurable student achievement gains.

LAUSD students awarded cars, iPads for excellent attendance

Parked curb-side in front of LAUSD headquarters was the neon blue Sonic won by Vanessa Umana, who graduated last week with a 4.2 GPA from Francis Polytechnic High School in Sun Valley. Although rules of the district's Attendance Challenge said students had to have perfect attendance only during their senior year to be eligible to win the car, Vanessa didn't miss a single day during four years of high school - not even when she was under the weather.

Fensterwald: State Board handed job of defining rules of new funding system

The Legislature will vote today on a bill establishing Gov. Brown’s historic school funding system that punts to the State Board of Education some key decisions on how dollars for disadvantaged students must be spent and accounted for.

Deasy and new board member Ratliff laud teacher report

Los Angeles schools Supt. John Deasy on Thursday broadly endorsed proposals from an outside group for attracting and retaining teachers, including more money for those who take on difficult assignments and deliver measurable academic gains.
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Schools pull plug on gift-card program

Cafeteria workers at the San Diego Unified School District will no longer receive gift cards, chocolates and movie passes using money from a program to feed needy children.

School districts in wait-and-see mode

This year, districts have set their budgets based on a current funding system that almost certainly is about to be scrapped in favor of a version of Gov. Jerry Brown's proposed Local Control Funding Formula, or LCFF.

State budget deal overhauls K-12 school funding model

Seven months after his tax initiative refueled funding for California's beleaguered public schools, Gov. Jerry Brown has orchestrated what's being billed as a major overhaul of how the state funds K-12 education.