Sunday, June 23, 2013

Excellent Letter sent to BESE by one of my readers about data sharing and inBloom | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

Excellent Letter sent to BESE by one of my readers about data sharing and inBloom | Crazy Crawfish's Blog:

Excellent Letter sent to BESE by one of my readers about data sharing and inBloom

Dear BESE member, I am writing to voice my concern over the massive student data sharing scheme with InBloom and whomever else is on track to receive information on our students, and even teachers and parents.
Please understand our concerns for this unprecedented and massive information sharing by companies and individuals who may or may not have the best interests of our children in mind. When For Profit companies are given access to private and confidential information, it begins a slippery slope of loosening our rights to privacy. As has already been proven, once this information is out, as so called data, what these companies do with it is now out of our control. We have no idea what they will eventually do with it and who will later have access to it. It is your responsibility to take back control of our children’s education and private information. It seems as if our state is being sold a bill of goods at the expense of our children. For Profit companies are taking over the education of our children. These unregulated, unaccredited ,and uncredentialed “schools” and “teachers” are