Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Blackwell, activists call for elected school board -

Blackwell, activists call for elected school board -

Blackwell, activists call for elected school board

Residents and education activists joined City Councilwoman Jannie L. Blackwell in a call Monday for an elected school board to replace the School Reform Commission.
"Never has so much money had so little accountability," said Helen Gym, founder of Parents United for Public Education, during the hearing before Council's Committee on Education. She was spurred on by a crowd of about 50 with shouts and applause.
The hearing was called by Blackwell, chair of the committee, as a first step in trying to make an elected school board a reality, though she conceded that might be a tough task. State Sen. Michael Stack (D., Phila.) is sponsoring a bill to eliminate the SRC and create a more democratic board.
Under its current structure, three members of the SRC, including the chair, are appointed by the governor. The mayor appoints two.
The hearing came days after the SRC passed a budget that would lay off 3,000 employees, including some teachers; eliminate counselors, librarians, and secretaries; and cut athletic, arts, and music programs. To avoid such cuts, the district is asking for $304 million in additional funding from the city and state, combined with teacher-contract concessions.
Citizens and activists proposed alternatives to the SRC, ranging from a board fully elected by Philadelphians and a blend of elected officials and appointees. The theme of the day was more democracy and more transparency from the individuals charged