Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Playbook for the Common Core'ites: Part 2 :: Frederick M. Hess

A Playbook for the Common Core'ites: Part 2 :: Frederick M. Hess:

A Playbook for the Common Core'ites: Part 2

 On Tuesday, I tried to explain how Common Core enthusiasts have gotten themselves into their current fix, where their dazzling, Race to the Top-fueled victories of 2010 and 2011 have given way to a divisive, frustrating slog. Today, the Common Core'ites have some serious challenges. Among these:
1] They have no one who seems able to credibly address concerns on the Tea Party right;
2] are dismissive of practical questions, like whether the technology will actually support glitch-free assessments;
3] lean on the boilerplate language of educational competition rather than addressing specific concerns;
4] and keep repeating the same tone-deaf talking points, mostly just infuriating the skeptics (the enthusiasts are apparently in disbelief that anyone might regard an enterprise driven by two DC associations and backed by federal incentives as anything other than a truly "voluntary" state effort).
Anyway, they don't seem to be able to get out of this rut. This is a huge problem, because standards and assessments are so integral to schooling that a train wreck here will have all kinds of unfortunate consequences. So, as a public service announcement, here are five suggestions that advocates can do to get their popular and political fortunes back on track. (All five proceed from the assumption that one can never