Monday, May 20, 2013

The Washington Teacher: Cardozo Senior High Teachers Get the Axe!

The Washington Teacher: Cardozo Senior High Teachers Get the Axe!:

Cardozo Senior High Teachers Get the Axe!

By Candi Peterson

Today, Cardozo Senior High School staff were mandated to attend an end of school emergency meeting in the school auditorium. An important morning and afternoon announcement was made by the schools principal, Dr. Tanya Roane that required all staff to report to the meeting including the schools’ custodians. It felt as though we were being summoned to the guillotine by the principal’s urgent tone and requirement that all staff report.  

Back on December 20, 2012 I wrote an article on The Washington Teacher blog titled “What’s the Impact of DCPS School Closures on Teachers and School Staff?’ At that time, I warned teachers and school staff about theDCPS School Consolidation Staffing Overview that teachers at select schools including Cardozo were given notice of excessing subsequent to  Chancellor Henderson’s announcement of the school consolidation plan. The three page staffing overview outlined the following: “WTU members at consolidated schools will be subject to the excessing process as outlined in the WTU contract.” When I walked into the school auditorium at 3:30 pm and saw Mr. Dan Shea, DCPS Instructional Superintendent- I knew it was a foregone conclusion that our worst nightmare was about to be announced.

Mr. Shea announced that all staff would be reconstituted with the exception of the schools principal. Shea stated “staff will have to reapply for their jobs starting this Wednesday with Principal  Roane and interviews will be held starting this Wednesday (May 22) through Friday (May 23).” In my estimation, that would amount to about 30 staff interviews daily at 15 minute increments if the principal is to meet her goal of interviewing approximately 90