Thursday, May 2, 2013

UPDATE: $20 a month Social Security? + The shame of Illinois House Representative | Fred Klonsky

The shame of Illinois House Representative Robyn Gabel. | Fred Klonsky:

$20 a month Social Security? “I’m stunned.”

I’m concerned when I read the following: “By the way, even though I paid into Social Security for 25 years before I began teaching, my Social Security benefit will be $20 a month.”
What? How can that possibly be? I’m not questioning your veracity and I’m most definitely in strong agreement with your viewpoints. But I’m incredulous that this could really be accurate.
How do you work at a job for 25 years and only receive $20 per month in Social Security benefits? Unless, like a “black sheep” distant uncle of mine, you’re were working “under the table” and not paying into FICA.
Maybe you could explain. I’m stunned!
- Puget Sound Parent
Dear Puget Sound Parent,
Illinois is one of a dozen or so states that fall under federal law – Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) – which limits access to Social Security in exchange for membership in the state’s

The shame of Illinois House Representative Robyn Gabel.

I’m not the kind of guy who hangs with the big shots.
Drop a name and I’m more likely to say, “Who is that?”
What was that song by Garth Brooks?
I’ve got friends in low places.
So I don’t know many elected politicians personally.
I don’t know ANY elected politicians personally.
Oh. I once knew a north side alderman. But we saw each other regularly every ten years.
Just a brief personal note about this afternoon’s Illinois House vote on SB1.
Friends of mine in Chicago and Evanston have watched closely how two House Reps would vote.
Kelly Cassidy and Robyn Gabel.
Both have reputations as progressives and both have friends who are friends of mine. Cassidy, to her credit, voted against SB1 and against Madigan today.  It wasn’t always clear what she would do. She was an early