Monday, May 13, 2013

» PSAT for 5-14-13: Sign up for the 3-day march Parents United for Responsible Education

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PSAT for 5-14-13: Sign up for the 3-day march


Our City, Our Schools, Our Voices, will come together this coming weekend in the final protest push before the May 22 Board meeting where the mass school closing vote will be taken.
Here’s what the CTU says about this event:
The mayor and Board of Education want to destroy 54 school communities. This will be the largest destruction of schools in U.S. history. We need our neighborhood schools and we should all fight together to save them. Join parents, teachers, students, public school workers, clergy, activists and others in the three day citywide march across the city. They want to divide us. But this is our city, our schools, and together, we’ll use our voice to tell the mayor and the world that we intend to fight back.
The march is organized into south and west sides.
South side 10:00 a.m. Saturday Kickoffat Owens Elementary, 12450 South State Street
West Side 10:00 a.m. Saturday Kickoff at Lafayette Elementary2714 West Augusta Avenue
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