Wednesday, May 22, 2013

NYC Public School Parents: Evidence of the testing-educational complex, with State officials indistinguishable from Pearson flacks

NYC Public School Parents: Evidence of the testing-educational complex, with State officials indistinguishable from Pearson flacks:

Evidence of the testing-educational complex, with State officials indistinguishable from Pearson flacks

Just in time for tomorrow's rally tomorrow, protesting the NJ state tax giveaways of $80 million to Pearson, today it wasannounced that the company agreed to pay $75 million in damages plus costs to settle a lawsuit over price-fixing e-books.    
This comes after multiple Pearson mis-steps and grievous errors, including mistakes in scoring the NYC Gifted and talented tests not once but twice, creating state exams that were too long, too difficult, full of ambiguous questions that made children cry, and last year, the infamous Pineapple readind passage and at least 30 other errors, with  faulty questions and problems with translation and scoring.  

This year the New York State Pearson exams also featured crass,