Thursday, May 23, 2013

Missouri Education Watchdog: The IRS, DESE and Sergeant Schultz: Complete Lack of Accountability.

Missouri Education Watchdog: The IRS, DESE and Sergeant Schultz: Complete Lack of Accountability.:

The IRS, DESE and Sergeant Schultz: Complete Lack of Accountability.

Do you remember "Hogan's Heroes"?  Sergeant Schultz was known for his "I see nothing, I know nothing" response to issues around him.  This is similar to Lois Lerner's refusal to testify in Congressional hearings about what happened at IRS, even as she stated she did nothing wrong.  If she didn't do anything wrong, then why wouldn't she talk to Congressmen and women trying to determine exactly how and why the IRS targeted specific groups requesting tax exempt status?

Like the IRS, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is taxpayer funded.  DESE makes decisions that impacts taxpayers, children and teachers while using money allocated by the state legislature and federal agencies.  The IRS and DESE should answer to the people funding their existence, but