Sunday, May 5, 2013

UPDATE: Disastrous Lindbergh DESE Common Core Meeting Missouri Education Watchdog: Explaining the Delphi Technique - Reactions from Readers

Missouri Education Watchdog: Explaining the Delphi Technique Used in the DESE Common Core Meetings and Reactions from Readers:

James Shuls Offers His Thoughts on the Disastrous Lindbergh DESE Common Core Meeting

From Lindbergh Crowd Halts Scripted Common Core Meeting:

Officials from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) are finding out that it might not be easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission, at least not when it comes to the Common Core State Standards. DESE adopted the standards without public knowledge and last night, officials from DESE attempted to justify their decision with a one-sided presentation. Many concerned citizens and parents, however, were not interested in listening to DESE’s Common Core gospel.

At the meeting I attended at the Lindbergh School District, citizens showed up with questions; DESE officials showed up with scripts and videos. The plan was to divide the crowd into small 

Explaining the Delphi Technique Used in the DESE Common Core Meetings and Reactions from Readers

Say NO to DESE's "Nudge"

A reader made a comment on a recent post about the DESE meetings and the Delphi technique used in all the meetings except Lindbergh.  Lindbergh's attendees would not comply and their questions/concerns