Friday, May 24, 2013

UPDATE: Missouri Education Watchdog: Call the Common Core Bullies Out. Just Say No to Standardized Testing.

Missouri Education Watchdog: Call the Common Core Bullies Out. Just Say No to Standardized Testing.:

DESE Stifling More Debate About Common Core?

DESE doesn't like answering questions.

That was evident in the May 2 statewide meetings that were designed to be "informational" only.  DESE representatives were clear to the attendees that answers were not to be forthcoming but could be found within a week on its website.

The answers still aren't there and the clock keeps ticking.

Has DESE  blocked James Shuls of Show-Me Institute for wanting to have an "old-fashioned" debate on the merits of Common Core?  

From More Evidence of DESE Stifling Debate About Common Core?:


On May 3, I sent a tweet to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and Commissioner of Education, Chris Nicastro. In the tweet I wrote, “I’m willing to have a good ‘ol fashion debate on the merits of #CommonCore. Missourians deserve that.” Apparently, state education officials aren’t interested in a true debate about Common Core, because I am now blocked from accessing the DESE Twitter page.

The tweet was sent the day after DESE officials hosted eight meetings throughout the state 

Call the Common Core Bullies Out. Just Say No to Standardized Testing.

gra·tu·i·tous  (gr-t-ts, -ty-)adj.
1. Given or granted without return or recompense; unearned.
2. Given or received without cost or obligation; free.
 Is public education gratuitous or forced?

Is the Blue Hat movement the beginning of the doom of Common Core?  Below is a story of a student's refusal to take the North Carolina's state test to protest standardized testing and the coming Common Core assessments.

You will discover and learn about the enormous bureaucracy strangling public schools.  You will learn about the bullying tactics of school administrators and lawyers.  What is the state's responsibility in the providing of education?  Is it to adhere to standardized testing and federal mandates?  In the last House hearing for SB210, Ron Calzone testified to what Missouri had to provide constitutionally in education.  From the Missouri Constitution:

Section 1(a). A general diffusion of knowledge and intelligence being essential to the