Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: The real Civil Rights Movement

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: The real Civil Rights Movement:

The real Civil Rights Movement

Heroics in OK

Hardest thing to watch was the news coming out of OK this morning.  Total devastation of two elementary schools with terrified children, some of whom died. What caught my attention were stories of teachers covering students with their own bodies. At least one gave up her own life doing so. Other acts of selfless humanism by regular people before and after the tornado, people who see and feel disaster for what it is -- not as "an opportunity."

Not news to most of us

Bottom line -- CPS lied. Their friends at the Tribune put it more politely:
"In many cases, the district appears to have selectively highlighted data to stress shortcomings at schools to be closed, while not pointing out what was lacking at the receiving schools."
If mass school closings in Chicago's black community really represent "the civil rights movement of our time",  the real fight against the "status quo" as Rahm and Byrd-Bennett claim, why the cover-up? Why all the lies from the self-proclaimed civil rights leaders? The answer, coming through loud and clear from thousands who marched (for three days through the south and west sides), rallied yesterday at Daley Plaza, and shut down City Hall with civil disobedience arrests, was: "Rahm, Rahm, we're no fools. We won't let you close our schools!"

The people's choice for mayor in 2025, 9-year-old Asean Johnson, fires up the crowd yesterday at Daley Plaza. Now the question is, who's the people's choice to knock Rahm's gang out of office in 2015?. 

Tomorrow, the mayor's six remaining (since Pritzker's departure) hand-picked school board members will be told