Saturday, May 11, 2013

Michelle Rhee’s Pattern of Deceptive Marketing | Scathing Purple Musings

Michelle Rhee’s Pattern of Deceptive Marketing | Scathing Purple Musings:

Michelle Rhee’s Pattern of Deceptive Marketing

Just day’s after PBS reporter John Merrow blew the door off Michelle Rhee’s cover-up of widespread cheatingthat occurred on her DC watch, she looked for a like-minded crowd of education reform partisans for comfort and affirmation. What better place than the republican caucus of the Florida legislature?
Reeling from opposition to their test-based accountability regime, charter school fetish and sudden friendly fire on common core, Rhee’s advise was sought on the later. As without common core, the whole thing collapses. Michelle McNeil of Education Week has this about the conversation Rhee had with Florida republican legislators:
When she was in Florida talking about her issues, Rhee said 80 percent of the questions came from legislators about the common core. The problem isn’t that legislators are against the standards, the problem is they’re starting to hear concerns and rumblings of opposition, she said.