Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Massive Bradley Foundation Education Privatization Campaign Exposed - One Wisconsin Now

Massive Bradley Foundation Education Privatization Campaign Exposed - One Wisconsin Now:

Massive Bradley Foundation Education Privatization Campaign Exposed

One Wisconsin Now Report 'P is For Payoff' Reveals $31 Million Plus Privatization Propaganda Campaign

Madison - New research from One Wisconsin Now reveals a web of right-wing groups are part of a $31 million plus propaganda campaign pushing a massive privatization of public education in Wisconsin. Underwriting the effort is the Milwaukee based Bradley Foundation, headed by Gov. Scott Walker's campaign co-chair, Michael Grebe.
"A well-funded right-wing cabal has orchestrated a comprehensive propaganda campaign to support the privatization of public education in Wisconsin," according to One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross. "And at the center of it is Gov. Walker's campaign co-chair Michael Grebe and the millions of the Bradley Foundation."
One Wisconsin Now's extensive research utilizing tax records and public databases found at least $31 million has been spent by the Bradley Foundation since 2001 promoting education privatization, including support for academics providing favorable pro-privatization pseudo-science, media personalities promoting the privatization agenda and lobbying organizations advocating for privatization legislation.
The report details the mechanics of a comprehensive campaign that manufactured an education "crisis", proposed a "solution", attacked and undermined the ability of potential opponents to block their agenda and funded aggressive pro-