Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Louisiana Educator: The Continued Dismantling of Public Education in Louisiana

Louisiana Educator: The Continued Dismantling of Public Education in Louisiana:

The Continued Dismantling of Public Education in Louisiana

One of my friends asked me this question recently: "Mike where do you get all this stuff about Louisiana Education Issues that you write about in your blog?"

My answer was: "My only problem is that the haters and deformers of public education are constantly giving metoo much "c_ _ _" to fire away at in my blog. I can hardly keep up."

So I want to take this opportunity to thank the really skilled bloggers such as Tom Aswell of the Louisiana Voice, Crazy Crawfish, and Mercedes Schneider who have enthusiastically taken up the challenge of exposing all the ugly truths about our so called education reformers, or as many of us like to call them "education deformers" here in Louisiana.

I must crown Tom Aswell as the king of all investigative bloggers in Louisiana. He makes most of the