Wednesday, May 29, 2013

UPDATE: Rahm’s fail too? + Life in Rahm’s Chicago. If UNO’s Juan Rangel failed, isn’t he Rahm’s fail too? | Fred Klonsky

Life in Rahm’s Chicago. If UNO’s Juan Rangel failed, isn’t he Rahm’s fail too? | Fred Klonsky:

The clock stops on Friday for Illinois pension reform. It is all a tangled web.

4f69430c3ce92.preview-620Illinois Senator Mike Jacobs.
When the Illinois legislative clock stops late on Friday, either something will have happened or nothing will have happened.
One thing that has a high probability of not happening is the We Are One/Cullerton SB2404.
We Are One, as I have frequently pointed out here, is the coalition of state public employee leaders including the two state teacher unions.
I also won’t be surprised that if SB2404 fails to come to a vote that some in the union leadership or their ardent 

Discussion and film showing of Persepolis.

I’ll be part of a discussion of the book, the film and the controversy that was precipitated by CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett’s banning of the acclaimed graphic novel. At the Addison Public Library tomorrow at 6:30 PM.

The in box. We will never stop saying that we demand what we rightfully earned.

Those of us fighting for our pension rights in Illinois have been consistent in demanding what we rightfully earned.
We have been consistent and have demonstrated that the budget issues facing the state of Illinois cannot be solved by cutting pension benefits.
It is a revenue problem, not a pension benefit problem.
We believe that any solution must be constitutional, address the roots of the financial problems of the state and 

Life in Rahm’s Chicago. If UNO’s Juan Rangel failed, isn’t he Rahm’s fail too?

UNO’s Juan Rangel admits he’s a failure. Isn’t he Rahm’s fail too?
The United Neighborhood Organization CEO, Juan Rangel resigned as head of the boards that oversee their huge charter school operation.
Rangel described himself as a failure for failing to notice that the whole charter operation is riddled with corruption and nepotism. Widespread corruption came to light by investigative reporting by the Chicago Sun-Times. UNO became such an embarrassment that Governor Quinn cut off state funding that had amounted to