Saturday, May 4, 2013

It's a Little Late for a Political Discussion? | Truth in American Education

It's a Little Late for a Political Discussion? | Truth in American Education:

It’s a Little Late for a Political Discussion?

The Cherokee County School Board in Georgia recently had a discussion about whether or not to have a citizen committee study the Common Core State Standards – both the pros and cons. It was quickly shot down by the Board Chair and Superintendent (does this guy even have a vote? He shouldn't.). The Cherokee Tribune reports:

Board Chair Janet Read and Superintendent Dr. Frank Petruzielo opposed the idea. Read reminded Marlow of the board’s three-hour board training session last week, where the board discussed school board member committees and reasons for not having them.
While the superintendent maintains his own staff committees, he has voiced strong opposition to these types of committees, since they often keep stakeholders from knowing all of the information at hand. Petruzielo said the policy came after a recommendation made over a decade ago by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the body that provides accreditation to many