Friday, May 17, 2013

IEA leaders are asking members to buy a pig in a poke. | Fred Klonsky

IEA leaders are asking members to buy a pig in a poke. | Fred Klonsky:

IEA leaders are asking members to buy a pig in a poke.

I was at a recent gathering of a number of retired teaching colleagues who have been retired for a few years under the state’s Early Retirement Option (ERO). They haven’t yet received their retroactive COLA because they aren’t the magic age of 61. We were wondering what impact either proposed bills (SB1 or SB2404) will have on their earned COLA?
What is very troubling for these people is that  if their COLAs are staggered should SB2404 becomes law, what does staggers mean for those receiving their long-awaited COLA?  Several have sought out via email the opinions of people they thought might know the answer.
One is a former IEA president. The other being the current one.
However, the explanations are vastly different.
Below you’ll find the answers quoted in their entirety from