Wednesday, May 22, 2013

UPDATE: Nekritz and Senger discuss SB1 + People are corporations too + CTU election results | Fred Klonsky

CTU election results. Details released. Rahm’s team got a old-style shellacking. | Fred Klonsky:

Ten minute drawing. Ya just gotta look at kids like they’re parking meters.

parking meters

Click on drawing to enlarge.

On this we agree. Call for no cost shift.

While the IEA and the We Are One coalition of state public employee unions are wrong on their support for SB2404, we do agree on the harm that will be caused by Speaker Madigan’s proposal for a cost shift to local communities of pension costs.
It will cause great harm to those communities who are already cash strapped. It will contribute to an even greater gap between rich and poor communities in their ability to afford quality education.
It is a further attack on teacher and other educational employees’ compensation.
From the IEA:
Rumors at the Statehouse indicate Speaker Madigan’s proposal to shift the state’s costs 

Watch as Representative Nekritz and Senger discuss how SB1 compares to SB2404 when it comes to robbing pensioners. VIDEO

Representatives Nekritz and Senger meet with reporters in this video.
They are talking to reporters about the relative savings to the pension debt of Madigan’s SB1 and We Are One/Cullerton’s SB2404.
In the absence of any plan to address state revenues, when they say the word savings, replace it with the wordsconstitutionally protected pension benefits.
Their savings are taken – stolen – in both bills from our benefits.
The thieves are only arguing over how much to steal.

The in box. “We must rid ourselves of the plague that reeks within.”

Curtis is a retired teacher and member of our new Skokie IEA-Retired chapter.
This whole school closing plan is a part of a political ploy. In typical fashion the mayor and CPS leaders announce initially that there will be 54 school closings. Knowing there will be an outcry from Chicago residents in opposition and knowing that there will be a fight.
This news terrorizes the parent’s teachers and children as fear of the unknown and nightmares of the danger zone (s) set in. But the real goal here is to threaten to close 54 schools in order to get what they really want. And that is to make it appear that they (CPS) have heard the public cries and considered the needs and wishes of students and parents. The best way to close 40 schools 

The in box. People are corporations too, my friend.

The Chicago Tribune:
So Illinois is in such dire financial shape that it must violate the contractual retirement agreements with teachers and other state workers. I’ve taught at the University of Illinois since 1979 and am one of those who would be cheated by the bills under discussion in the legislature.
Why stop there? The crisis should require every company with a state contract get paid 20 percent less, and every company with a state concession should pay 20 percent more. I’m looking at you, casinos. This is an emergency!
We all know such actions are unrealistic and near impossible. Companies make business 

Today the CPS board will vote to enact the largest mass public school closing in American history.

In typical Rahm fashion, four more schools have been removed from the closing list.
CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett is expected to withdraw her recommendations to shutter Marcus Garvey Elementary School and Mahalia Jackson Elementary School on the South Side; Leif Ericson Elementary Scholastic Academy on the West Side, and George Manierre Elementary School on the Near North Side, according to a source familiar with her deliberations.
These were always among the more controversial targets of the closing plan.
But later today the board will go ahead and vote to shut down the others on the Mayor’s list

CTU election results. Details released. Rahm’s team got a old-style shellacking.

As the Chicago Teachers Union was gearing up for its election I was hearing that friends of Rahm offered to fund a challenge to the Caucus of Rank and File Educators (CORE).
And when the coalition of anti-CORE people announced their candidacies, it became pretty clear that they were stand-ins for the Mayor.
The results of the election demonstrates pretty clearly that the members of the CTU saw right through the scam.
The anti-COREs got shellacked.
A spanking.
In many schools they