Thursday, May 23, 2013

Our interview with John Merrow @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER


“There is a Problem Here” – Journalist John Merrow

Our interview with John Merrow: Everything you need to know

Sorry to keep reminding everyone, but this story needs to continue getting coverage. It’s the lynchpin, I believe, to this entire iteration of “education reform” we are experiencing at present. Remember, 7PM EST, right here. Once we’ve heard from Mr. Merrow, we’ll take some calls. Now, here’s a link to a comprehensive PDF of Merrow’s entire […]

Innovator (n.)

plthomasedd at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 51 minutes ago
Innovator (n.) – A person with no experience, expertise, education, or training in a field, but an abundance of ideas and an endless compulsion to share those ideas. See also entrepreneur.

I have a question for all of the media concerning #cpsclosings

Chalk Face, PhD at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 1 hour ago
So many questions about yesterday’s stunning example of disaster capitalism in Chicago. Remember when CTU went on strike in September and the media blamed the greedy teachers of harming the children? Yes, much pearl clutching ensued. Where is the media on this one? Who’s the real threat to “the children” in this case? Yeah, that’s what […]

Mayor Rahm Expands Corporate Footprint on Chicago Children and Parents

Jim Horn at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 2 hours ago
Well, it worked like it was supposed to work: the mayor’s appointed stooges on the “Board of Education” voted to close 50 Chicago public schools to make way for corporate charter reform schools. Never mind that communities barely held together will lose their lifelines, never mind that violence is almost guaranteed to increase (as it […]

Nashville KIPP Caught Dumping Problem Students at Test Time

Jim Horn at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 2 hours ago
We have known for a long time that what former students refer to as the Kids in Prison Program (KIPP) has used various machinations to reach those high test scores–from menacing management styles, to constant test prep, longer hours, behavioral sterilization, burning through teachers who leave with mental and physical health problems, to dumping problem […]

Signs of the Coming Revolution in America’s Education System

freetoteach at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 13 hours ago
Alternet publishes “real” education news for those who still remember what a “real” education is. Signs of the Coming Revolution in America’s Education System The recent revolt against standardized tests as well as legislative concern over testing corruption are just some of the of the signs of an approaching education “revolution.”

NZ Government to introduce charter hospitals

Activism in paradise - Voices from down under at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 14 hours ago
Reposted from this brilliant NZ satirical website The Civilian. This beautifully captures the ideological nonsense behind charter schools. ————– These minimum wage surgeons may be unsure what to do next, but with enough private funding, the Government is confident they’ll figure it out. The National Government has today announced plans to introduce a number of […]

New Zealand’s national standards in education are not national or standard.

Activism in paradise - Voices from down under at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 14 hours ago
By Allan Alach Reposted from The Daily Blog At the end of this month the New Zealand government will release the national standards data that will a) ‘prove’ that their education policies are ‘raising achievement’ and b) ‘prove’ that there is a wide variation of school effectiveness and that teachers’ performance is therefore deficient. All […]