Thursday, May 16, 2013

Bobby Jindal, the Seabaugh Solution and MFP | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

Bobby Jindal, the Seabaugh Solution and MFP | Crazy Crawfish's Blog:

Bobby Jindal, the Seabaugh Solution and MFP

When I first heard about the “Seabaugh Solution,” a term John White invented to describe a request by legislator Alan Seabaugh to rig the entire teacher evaluation system to favor three teachers that taught at his daughter’s school in Shreveport, something didn’t quite make sense to me. Why would John White risk everything to do something he knew was wrong and probably illegal and unnecessarily complicated?
During the course of his interview with Sentell, White confided “in an off-the-record remark” that the three teachers were ineffective and that Seabaugh was “pushing hard” to fix it
I think John White went to a lot of trouble to set up Alan Seabaugh for the fall on this one. White took the unusual step of openly referring to this “fix” as the “Seabaugh Solution” and even planted evidence for reporters to find.  When he met with reporters about this situation he queried them about it innocently, and set up Seabaugh

Course Choice provider who enrolled 1100 students without their knowledge tied to Bush, Romney, Tex. dropout scandal

 Reblogged from Louisiana Voice:
More than 1100 students in the parishes of Caddo and Webster have signed up for course choice programs with a provider whose chairman with close ties to former President George W. Bush and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
An outfit named FastPath Learning of Austin, Texas, has somehow managed to obtain student information to

DOE run like a snow cone stand, but Course Choice fraudulent enrollments looking like a major scandal

 Reblogged from Louisiana Voice:
Could it possibly get any worse for Louisiana Superintendent of Education John White?
For that matter, could the State of Louisiana possibly do any worse than John White as education superintendent?
Good questions both. The answers are, in order:
That remains to be seen, and