Thursday, May 2, 2013

Addressing the Gap Between the Rich and 'Others' - Bridging Differences - Education Week

Addressing the Gap Between the Rich and 'Others' - Bridging Differences - Education Week:

Addressing the Gap Between the Rich and 'Others'

Today marks Deborah Meier's final blog post with educator Elliott Witney. Next week she begins blogging with Michael J. Petrilli, the executive vice president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute.
Dear Elliott,

Let's do this again a year from now!

At the end of this brief exchange where I see much damage done, you are lucky to see hopeful signs. Maybe by next year I'll be more hopeful, too.

I see a huge setback for the idea of democracy in many of the developments you are still hopeful about in schools, and even more in what is happening outside of our schools. (We never got into the out-of-school issues.)

There was a time 15 years ago when I was puzzled by why education seemed to be still moving in a progressive direction while little else was. When I left New York City after suffering the defeat of an exciting new plan to