Thursday, May 16, 2013

UPDATE: more Connecticut taxpayer money to out-of-state “education reform” consultants + $1 million in public funds for Bridgeport BOE Chair’s family - without a vote - Wait, What?

$1 million in public funds for Bridgeport BOE Chair’s family - without a vote - Wait, What?:

Oh look, there goes more Connecticut taxpayer money to out-of-state “education reform” consultants

Eighteen months ago, on January 5, 2012, Governor Malloy’s sponsored an Education Reform Workshop at Central Connecticut State University.  During the first breakout session there was a panel discussion focused on the issue of “Low-Performing Schools and Districts.”  The panel was moderated by Justin Cohen, President of the School Turnaround Group at Mass Insight Education company.
A few weeks later, Mass Insight Education’s Justin Cohen returned to Connecticut to submit testimony in support of Governor Malloy’s education reform bill, Senate Bill 24.  Cohen wrote,   “To dramatically and systemically improve our nation’s failing schools, comprehensive state turnaround initiatives, like the Commissioner’s Network included in Senate Bill 24, must be pursued as part of a spectrum of interventions. As the President of the School Turnaround Group at Mass Insight Education, I applaud the Connecticut State Senate for its consideration of Senate Bill 24 and strongly support its passage.”
Cohen added, “Senate Bill 24 creates part of the structure and authority necessary for the 

$1 million in public funds for Bridgeport BOE Chair’s family – without a vote