Sunday, April 28, 2013

Wresting the Public’s Rights: Lawsuits Against White, LDOE et al. | deutsch29

Wresting the Public’s Rights: Lawsuits Against White, LDOE et al. | deutsch29:

Wresting the Public’s Rights: Lawsuits Against White, LDOE et al.

Corporate reform thrusts ahead with little regard for what is legal or even decent.  Privatizers are just fine with forcing those whose lives they callously damage to spend both money and time in litigation in order to gain what they were legally entitled to in the first place.
I’m sure Eli Broad would be proud. He probably offers Make the “Non-talented” Waste Their Resources on Needless Litigation as a course at his (We Are Anything But) Superintendents Academy.
At the conclusion of my update on John White and InBloom, I mentioned that I would write a post in which I discuss lawsuits filed against White and LDOE for their withholding data and violating open meetings laws. Let me add BESE and Superintendents Advisory Council Chairman Michael Faulk to the list of those being sued.  Also, in addition to withholding data, let me add withholding other public documents to the list.
In this post, I focus on three lawsuits. I will address them chronologically.
The first of these lawsuits was filed in October 2012 by the New-Orleans-based group, Research on Reforms (ROR).
Research on Reforms Sues LDOE
Research on Reforms was developed because of the urgency to collect data and analyze the findings to determine if the educational reforms of 2005 were working. 
The 2005 Louisiana Legislature enacted laws that allowed experimentation in the public schools, and  recognized