Thursday, April 25, 2013

Who Is Today's Principal? — Whole Child Education

Who Is Today's Principal? — Whole Child Education:

Daniel W. Smith

Who Is Today’s Principal?

The qualities and skills required of today's principals have shifted quite dramatically over the past decade. It was not long ago that principals were expected to "manage" the building and those hiring building principals looked for individuals who were organized and knowledgeable about building operations. The shift has made it very difficult for principals who were appointed under the previous expectations. Those individuals, who were appointed many years ago into the position and thus caught in the "shift," have never been taught the skills that are needed for today's principal.
In order to effectively lead as a principal in today's school, individuals must focus on high quality classroom instruction. Yes, principals must serve as visionary, instructional, influential, and learning leaders, but they must serve in these roles in relation to effective instruction. For example, principals must have a clear vision for what curriculum, instruction and assessment should look like within the school and set a path towards accomplishing it.
Schools are trying to keep up with the fast rate of change and principals must have a deep understanding of the change process and the zone of proximal development within their staff. Principals must know how to select changes that are needed but also to shelter them from changes that are not aligned with the school's focus. They also must know what changes teachers and staff can absorb and how to scaffold the approach