Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Though it may not show yet, massive progess is being made about the illegal student data sharing thanks to your efforts! | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

Though it may not show yet, massive progess is being made about the illegal student data sharing thanks to your efforts! | Crazy Crawfish's Blog:

Though it may not show yet, massive progess is being made about the illegal student data sharing thanks to your efforts!

Quick Update:
I and my colleagues have been working with a number of groups behind the scenes, including school district IT directors and superintendents, Tea Party groups, legislators and BESE members. I hear some folks even contacted David Vitter and this issue got his attention.
This illegal data sharing is now on the BESE agenda for the 17th of April. We have notified a number of media contacts to pay attention, and this meeting is open to the public, so if you happen to be in town and want to show up to register your concern with BESE members and other DOE staff there should be plenty available.
(BESE meetings are held on 3rd Street across of the Hollywood Casino in the Claiborne building in the Louisiana Purchase room, which is in the center of the building across of the elevators.)
Note: There is a big national Education Summit. . .
. . .conference held in the morning at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Baton Rouge that will host John White, Jindal,