Monday, April 8, 2013

The Problem With Black & White Statements in Education | Connected Principals

The Problem With Black & White Statements in Education | Connected Principals:

The Problem With Black & White Statements in Education

cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo by the BCth:
I continue to hear how certain educational practices are harmful to kids. Things like homework, desks in rows,  multiple choice questions, worksheets, and tests are stated as being “toxic” and “educational malpractice”.  I think as educators we need to be careful when we make dichotomous statements like these as they tend to end the chance for any productive dialogue.
I have made this mistake before… many times.  I have my areas of passion and there are mindsets and ideas that I have strong opinions about but I have learned (and continue to learn) that when we make statements that polarize people, you leave very little opportunity to engage.
I saw this tweet today by a few educators whom I truly respect and who continue to challenge the status quo:

I believe this came from a statement from Alfie Kohn and people were just sharing his message but I am not