Wednesday, April 10, 2013

UPDATE: Logan Square’s coolest joint with the hippest folks + The corpse of IVI IPO. Lunch with pension killers. | Fred Klonsky

The corpse of IVI IPO. Lunch with pension killers. | Fred Klonsky:

Join me at Logan Square’s coolest joint with the hippest folks tomorrow night.

This is not what Weegee’s Lounge will look like tomorrow night when we host a Conversation and Cocktails with with the Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis.
It will be jammed full of people supporting the Caucus of Rank-and-File Educators and their slate of candidates in the May CTU election.
But Weegee’s is a cool Logan Square neighborhood bar known for their fine cocktails.
I once asked for Scotch. I called for Jameson’s 12 year-old and they looked at me like I was asking for a PBR.
“We don’t pour Jameson’s”
THAT’s how cool they are.
As a member of the Host Committee my main responsibility is buy a ticket and be there.
Which I will do gladly.
Join us.
5:30 to 8
3659 Armitage.
Ticket available at the door. $30 to $50.

The corpse of IVI IPO. Lunch with pension killers.


Former Representative, now Senator, Dan Biss.
The odds are you have never actually met somebody from an organization called the Independent Voters of Illinois – Independent Precinct Organization. Or its acronym: IVI IPO.
Since arriving in Chicago in 1973 I have never come in contact with anybody from the group in my precinct.
At one point I think they had some influence in some Lake front liberal wards. And I know people who used their list of endorsed judges. Because who knows who the judges are and you need some guidance.
They’re independent of who or what? Maybe at one time they were independent of the Machine. But I doubt