Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday read. | Fred Klonsky

Sunday read. | Fred Klonsky:

Sunday read.

Photo: Fred Klonsky. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial, Washington, DC. 
“A lot of so-called reformers try to dictate top-down, standardized test-driven strategies that are heavy on competition and short on evidence and resources,” AFT President Randi Weingarten told the 2,400 delegates in her opening address. “They don’t work.”
What happened that made Diane Ravitch feel she had to apologize to MichelleRhee?
Did you think the Ku Klux Klan was ancient history? They marched in Memphis last week.
Illinois General Assembly pension votes this coming week.
Newark students are walking out of school on Tuesday.
The Chicago Teachers Union took politicians and the