Thursday, April 4, 2013

UPDATE: The racists smile + Study the faces of the new tyrants. | Fred Klonsky

Study the faces of the new tyrants. | Fred Klonsky:

The racists smile.

It is the anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., murdered in Memphis in 1968.
I read Barbara Byrd-Bennett’s declaration on the eve of this anniversary. She was “insulted” to be called a racist.
Of course, nobody called her a racist.
She certainly makes the racists smile.
As does the ethnic cleansing of the City of Chicago.
The very neighborhood that Martin Luther King chose to live in during his Chicago fair housing campaign has seen some of the greatest losses in African-American population. They did not move to some other city neighborhood. They are just gone.
The city has lost over a quarter of a million African-American residents over the past ten years.
Part of the cycle has been a decade of school closings resulting in a loss of population. Then more school closings using the loss of population as the excuse.
Map: Catalyst
CTU President Karen Lewis says the closing plan is based in racism and classism.
CPS CEO Barbar Byrd-Bennett acts offended at the suggestion.
And the racists smile.

Study the faces of the new tyrants.

Drawing Faces

Study the faces of the new tyrants. I hesitate to call them plutocrats for the term is too historical and these men belong to the phenomenon which is unprecedented. Let’s settle for profiteers. Their profiteer faces have many features in common. This conformity is partly circumstantial – they possess similar talents and they live according to similar routines – and partly it is a chosen style.
Their ages may vary but the style is that of men in their late forties. They are impeccably dressed and their tailoring is reassuring, like the silhouette of high-security vans. Armor Mobile Security.
Studying their features you have the impression that they have no pronounced, let alone excessive physical appetites apart from an insatiable appetite for control. Far from looking monstrous, their