Monday, April 22, 2013

Start Following Your Dreams, Stop Worrying About What You're 'Supposed To Do' — Whole Child Education

Start Following Your Dreams, Stop Worrying About What You're 'Supposed To Do' — Whole Child Education:

Bill Drayton

Start Following Your Dreams, Stop Worrying About What You’re ‘Supposed To Do’

In elementary school I could not imagine why I was being tortured by Latin or math, and my perception of soccer was chiefly that of being a crashee.
But I loved starting things, especially newspapers. Once I had saved enough to buy a mimeograph machine (the prior technology being typing hard with as many carbon copy sheets as possible), I was unstoppable.
The logic of producing what would become a 32- and then 50-page newspaper with writers and circulation beyond my school was also irresistible. I had to go out and get advertisements, and I had to organize peers in many places. All this was obvious to me, but it meant not always being where I was supposed to be.
Many years later when my mother died I found correspondence with the principal of my school. My mother was more than a little worried. (Why is my fifth grader neither in school nor at home?) However, the principal patiently and ultimately successfully argued that everyone should trust me. In fact, he advised: "Don't even show him that you're anxious."
Bless him!
Once a young person has had a dream, built a team, and changed his or her world, he or she has the power to express love and respect in action—the heart of what brings health, longevity and happiness.
He or she will be a changemaker for life—a real contributor in a world where value increasingly comes from