Monday, April 8, 2013

UPDATE: Silas Takes a Plea Seattle Schools Community Forum: Caroline Kennedy to Promote Poetry at Sanislo Today

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Caroline Kennedy to Promote Poetry at Sanislo Today:

Caroline Kennedy to Promote Poetry at Sanislo Today

Caroline Kennedy will be at Sanislo Elementary today, visiting one of their 1st grade classrooms and meeting members of their school poetry club.  Members of the club, as well as students from View Ridge will join her tonight to read from her new poetry anthology, "Poems to Learn by Heart."

She will be the featured guest at an event tonight co-hosted by the Washington Center for the Book at the Seattle Public Library and Seattle First Baptist Church.

Ms. Kennedy has been an avid reader of poetry since childhood and has created several books around poems.

Silas Takes a Plea


Silas Potter Jr., one of the central figures in a financial scandal in Seattle Public Schools, pleaded guilty Monday to 36 counts of theft for stealing funds from a Seattle Public School District program designed to assist minority-owned businesses in receiving school district contracts. 

He could get between 3 1/2 to 5 years in prison.  He is to be sentenced in late May.

That leave one final co-conspirator, David Johnson, who is going to stand trial starting May 13th.   The third co-conspirator, Lorrie Kay Sorensen, pleaded guilty and is to be sentenced in June.