Saturday, April 13, 2013

UPDATE: Saturday coffee. | Fred Klonsky

Saturday coffee. | Fred Klonsky:

IEA RA. Press registered? One. Me.



The in box. Retiree Joyce Siska on NBI 16: “That was MY New Business Item.”

I reported earlier on the report that IEA Executive Director Audrey Soglin gave to the IEA Representative Assembly as she was directed to do by last year’s New Business Item 16.
NBI 16 directed the Executive Director to investigate and report on the negative impact Senate Bill 7 has had on teachers in the state.
Audrey along with Stand for Children’s Jonah Edelman helped create the language for Senate Bill 7.
Many delegates felt Audrey’s report was not responsive to NBI 16.
Joyce Siska, a retired IEA member writes me:
That was MY NBI and they made it quite a struggle to allow me to speak against their new eval.

Saturday coffee.

Photo: Fred Klonsky. Ex-IEA President Ken Swanson speaks to the 2013 IEA RA.
I was originally going to go to today’s final session of the IEA Representative Assembly at the Conrad Hilton downtown.
I’m sitting here enjoying my coffee instead.
Nothing that will be decided there will have anything to do with what the leadership ends up doing. They now claim to make their decisions based on secret polling data rather than votes by delegates at the RA.
As I was driving home yesterday I was thinking about the kerfuffle over whether my press pass allowed me on the RA floor.
Here we are in the middle of a major pension battle and we are at the annual state convention of the largest public employee union in Illinois, and I’m the press in attendance. The only press in attendance. As if nobody

Songs I can play on my ukulele.

Yip Harburg.

Ten minute drawing. How’s Harold!


Click on drawing to enlarge.