Saturday, April 27, 2013

RPNPS Voices: Scenes From The Uptown Rally and March Today

RPNPS Voices: Scenes From The Uptown Rally and March Today: "Rogers Park Neighbors For Public Schools"

Scenes From The Uptown Rally and March Today

Here's a bit of a slide show from today's event in Uptown.

It was a terrific rally and march--- we made banners, listened to the Stewart band, had a press conference, and marched around the various parts of Uptown that are struggling to survive. "The stations of gentrification," is how I referred to it.  Stewart Elementary, The Men's Hotel, the former Hull House, and Stockton Elementary.

Karen Zaccor and Stavroula Harrisis from Northside Action put it together; the whole thing was the product of the ridiculous CPS community meeting for Stewart, where Tim Cawley and the new French procurement guy sat on the stage during trying not to text during the extended silence.  Instead of bothering to pretend to be in a dialogue with CPS, we planned