Monday, April 22, 2013

UPDATE: Why I’m not voting for Karen Lewis and CORE + Retired teacher to the Tribune: “You persist in cruel, one-note tirades .” | Fred Klonsky

Retired teacher to the Tribune: “You persist in cruel, one-note tirades against the long-honored state contract with teachers.” | Fred Klonsky:

Guess what? Congresswoman Schakowsky is “on the record.” Now I need to know one more thing.

Not three hours after posting about my exchanges with Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky’s District Director, Leslie Combs, my phone rang.
Why it was Leslie Combs again. She was the one who left the voice mail saying that “given (Jan Schakowsky is) not an expert on the topic of the state, she’s not going to talk on the record on this issue.”
But Ms Combs found a letter the Congresswoman wrote to a constituent about state public employee pensions.
Hey. Congresswoman Schakowsky is on the record after all.
Hi Fred – below is the text of a letter that Congresswoman Schakowsky wrote in response to 

Congresswoman Schakowsky “is not going to talk on the record” about public employee pensions.

I have been puzzled of late by the silence of Chicago north side and north suburban Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky on the issue of the state’s public employee pensions, including teacher pensions. Many of these employees live in her congressional district, of course.
Democrat Schakowsky has made much of her defense of Social Security and Medicare in Congress.
How ironic it is then that the Democratic Party organization in her district, of which she is the de facto head, is leading the charge against public employee pensions in Springfield.
These pension bombers would include Senator Dan Biss and Representatives Elaine Nekritz and Robyn Gabel.
So I called Congresswoman Schakowsky’s legislative office here in Chicago (773 506 8342) and spoke with her 

Someone else’s neighborhood school. VIDEO

It is important to note that this was filmed on a Sunday afternoon in 65 degree weather, and the children were not carrying backpacks. These children will have to make this journey twice a day,

Why I’m not voting for Karen Lewis and CORE. But wish I could.

One of the most popular  of my Ten Minute Drawings that I have posted on this site is the imaginary poster,“Karen Lewis for Mayor.”
In some of my cartoons I depict a conversation between the mouse and the chicken. 
In this particular one there is this conversation:
“When’s the election?” asks the chicken.
“Not soon enough,” says the mouse.
I originally drew the cartoon back in September during the Chicago teacher strike.
I posted it again this weekend on Facebook.
Someone will run against Mayor Emanuel. Maybe more than one person.
Rahm’s polling numbers are in the dumpster. But he has millions of his Hollywood and corporate friends’ dollars 

Retired teacher to the Tribune: “You persist in cruel, one-note tirades against the long-honored state contract with teachers.”

Letter to the Editor, Chicago Tribune.
April 22, 2013
 State’s pension system
As a retired public school teacher dependent on the promises inherent in our Illinois pension system, I have watched with equal parts incredulity and horror as the Tribune’s editorials on teacher pensions have taken on the emotional intensity of a petulant 2-year-old kicking and screaming in the middle of the street. Your monomaniacal obsession regarding our pensions is embarrassing, given what you must know about the outsized influence of wealthy corporations, banks and individuals in Springfield, their abilities to shape tax policy and garner lucrative tax breaks, and the barely concealed disdain and revulsion such parties show toward public-service employees and their unions.The rich and powerful understand how to use their money and power to