Saturday, April 20, 2013

Report from congressional town hall meeting on school closings Parents United for Responsible Education

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Report from congressional town hall meeting on school closings

Congressmen Bobby Rush and Danny Davis host school closing forum Congressmen Bobby Rush and Danny Davis host school closing forum
Great hearing today at the historic Quinn Chapel in Chicago. You can read my live tweets from the forum here. Many important points were made, much nauseating rhetoric from CPS staff. My presentation is below, but in addition I had to address the comment of “Chief Transformation Officer” Todd Babbitz who claimed that it was in the best interests of children that these closings happen all at once and on a large scale so that they don’t have to undergo multiple transitions over the years.
I asked for a show of hands of parents whose children have already been moved, and a lot of hands went up. So, this next transition just adds to the damage that has already been done. Now CPS is saying that it’s better to “rip the bandaid” all at once. But they have been doing that for years.
I ran out of time and did not say the other thing that really galled me about these people. They have NEVER YET kept any promise they have made to our children about these transitions, yet now they say that THIS TIME they