Wednesday, April 24, 2013

One Teacher's Perspective: Dittoing Diane on School Vouchers

One Teacher's Perspective: Dittoing Diane on School Vouchers:

Dittoing Diane on School Vouchers

Yesterday's release of Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) choice school data is ditto to what Diane Ravitch has been reporting on Wisconsin's voucher program for some time.

America's premier education historian, Diane Ravitch has been building the case that Wisconsin’s “voucher schools perform no better than public schools.”  

For the third straight year since being required to pony up test scores, Wisconsin's voucher schools trail neighboring public schools in reading and math scores and lag significantly behind the state averages in student achievement, according to DPI's reporting.

Ravitch dedicated a big chunk of her landmark book, The Death and Life of the American School System, to the flaws and failures of voucher systems in Wisconsin and elsewhere. Ravitch can add DPI’s 2013 data to her pile of reports showing how Milwaukee's and Racine's voucher schools have