Friday, April 19, 2013

UPDATE: Indiana C of C History of Backing Poor Education Policy + Ohio House Strips PARCC Funding from Budget | Truth in American Education

Ohio House Strips PARCC Funding from Budget | Truth in American Education:

Indiana Chamber of Commerce’s History of Backing Poor Education Policy

Indiana Chamber of CommerceThe Indiana Chamber of Commerce promotes itself as a steward for the people and businesses of Indiana. No doubt it has done a lot of good for the state. But its support of the Common Core, a new national set of K-12 academic standards and tests in math and English, isn’t doing Indiana any favors.
The Chamber has a poor track record on education issues. From A Nation at Risk in 1986, through Goals 2000 and No Child Left Behind (NCLB), to today’s Common Core, it has consistently advocated for programs that increase federal control of education. Each time, it claimed these programs would create “higher standards” and better student assessments, which would increase graduation rates and improve “college and career readiness.” Unfortunately, its voyages in education always end with student achievement further behind, with the bar being 

Ohio House Strips PARCC Funding from Budget

From Ohioans Against Common Core:
The calls worked! Tonight on the House floor, we witnessed the power of the individual – dedicated to the cause of liberty – bear fruit. Our just days old Action Item has been executed and won. The House voted affirmatively on an amendment to the budget removing the PARCC assessment references.
Education Freedom Ohio gives some background:
According to our sources, Ohio legislators have been wondering what in the heck all of your “Common Core” calls have been about lately; namely because many still don’t know what is, and how their fingerprints are or could be on it…
Some Ohio House members are reportedly taking a very close look at HB 59 (Kasich’s budget) to