Friday, April 5, 2013

NYC Educator: Who Puts Children First, Always?

NYC Educator: Who Puts Children First, Always?:

Who Puts Children First, Always?

I continue to be amazed at the depths reformy folks will sing when personally attacking their critics. Now, if you send your kid to a private school, you have no right to criticize charters. This is the new paradigm because charters are the "choice" you get if you aren't rich.

Some choice. I should send my kid to some heavily regiment test prep factory instead of a public school. I went to a Gotham Schools fundraiser where I watched films by Doug Lemov. One showed the amazing teacher who handed out papers so fast it cut into not one moment of class time. I, a stupid and useless public school teacher, was left to reflect on the 40-page stapled booklet of handouts I gave the kids once, rather than quickly 40 times. Of course the fact that this idea came off the top of my head and was not written about by Lemov made it useless.

The second video was of kids moving from one room to another. They all lined up and moved quietly. No talking, no nothing. It was like a scene out of 1984.

Obama sends his kids to a school with small classes and no high-stakes tests. So does Bloomberg, Klein, and