Tuesday, April 30, 2013

NYC Educator: What Is Social Justice?

NYC Educator: What Is Social Justice?:

What Is Social Justice?

I think MORE, if it wants to prominently label itself the "Social Justice Caucus," needs to clarify this. Perhaps they already have, and if someone will point out where, I'd be happy to acknowledge it on this page. The name seems to have frightened some people on my pal Chaz's blog, and it's drawn comments suggesting that MORE may take a public position on the Israeli-Palestinian controversy. Personally, I've seen no evidence they have, or will.

A problem with that label, in my view, is that it fails to differentiate MORE from the opposition. Whatever I may think about Unity-New Action, I have no reason to find them discriminatory based on race, religion, age, or anything like that. As far as that goes, I certainly support them. Social justice though, certainly entails more than just that.

I don't speak for MORE, but I'm fairly certain they'd agree it's not remotely social justice to close schools. Schools are community centers and ought to belong to the communities they serve. I live in Freeport, NY, and when we were hit by Sandy we regularly held meetings in our schools. In fact, we actually have a recreation