Tuesday, April 9, 2013

#msnbc The Cycle: Smothering Occupy the DOE #uoodc13 and #optout. – @ the chalk face

#msnbc The Cycle: Smothering Occupy the DOE #uoodc13 and #optout. – @ the chalk face:

#msnbc The Cycle: Smothering Occupy the DOE #uoodc13 and #optout.

Occupy the DOE 2.0 and the Battle for Public Schools finally got some media coverage from MSNBC.   Check it out:

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I know.  Are you kidding me? Really? Four days of amazing groups and individuals speaking passionately about the abusive nature of corporate education reform and clear attack on the American system of public education and this is the best a mainstream media outlet can do? The segment above reduced the fight to demand a fully funded, comprehensive PUBLIC education for all children to a silly debate about whether or not “opting out” is good or bad. What?  Are my expectations too high?  I don’t think so and let tell you why. Occupy the DOE was not a gathering of crazy anti-testing people trying to shield their precious children from the real world. And Sheena Wright from the United Way had absolutely nothing of value to say about the merits of high stakes testing, literacy, and teacher evaluation. You mean to tell me that in NYC there was not a single retired teacher, education professor, statistician, or senior in high school available to be the guest?  Does MS (Gates) NBC lack the resources to find qualified