Saturday, April 20, 2013

UPDATE: Google "Smarter Balanced Assessment" Missouri Education Watchdog: Northwestern's View of Diversity

Missouri Education Watchdog: Northwestern's View of Diversity:

Northwestern's View of Diversity

While the K-12 world is bent on commonality and treating everyone the same regardless of origin or ability, the world of higher education intends to take those same kids, who have been bathed in a culture of oneness and sameness, and yank them in completely the opposite direction. The goal of the  Common Core standards is to prepare kids for college, but what is college going to do to them? Consider Northwestern University which is implementing a "Social Inequalities and Diversities” requirement, that all students will have to complete before they graduate. We have, as a society, just bent over backwards adopting Common Core and will spend billions of dollars ($16 billion according to Pioneer Institute) treating everyone exactly the same, teaching them to reach the same ends with the same values and making sure they have absorbed that sameness through uniform standardized testing. But once they get to college they will be told they won't be able be graduate unless they understand the world is full of differences and they should embrace those differences.

According to College Fix, NU's goal " is multifaceted. The draft proposal states that once completed, students will be able to 'expand their ability to think critically', 'recognize their own positionality in systems of inequality,'

Google "Smarter Balanced Assessment" and See What you Get.

Is this a crystal ball moment?  Looking into the crystal ball today about noon and googling the above search term, this is what I got:

NOTICE: This domain name expired on 04/19/2013 and is pending renewal or deletion.

Why is the domain expired?  Is it: 
  • disappearing like a bad relationship
  • being absorbed into a public/private partnership that will henceforth be known as a different name (akin to CCSS being renamed Missouri Learning Standards?)