Wednesday, April 24, 2013

McMillin Amendment Halts Common Core in Michigan | Truth in American Education

McMillin Amendment Halts Common Core in Michigan | Truth in American Education:

McMillin Amendment Halts Common Core in Michigan

Breaking…. big move in the Michigan House of Representatives!   The Michigan House today approved the Department of Education budget (HB4328) on a 59-51 vote with an amendment which does not allow them to implement Common Core State Standards or “Smarter Balanced Assessments”.  The amendment was sponsored by State Rep. Tom McMillin, the amendment is similar to House Bill 4276 which is currently before the House Education Committee.
The amendment reads:
Funds appropriated in Part 1 (MDE’s full budget) shall not be used to fund the Common Core State Standards Initiative or Smarter Balanced Assessments. Funds shall not be used to implement programs or student assessments created by the Common Core State Standards Initiative or Smarter Balance Assessments.
It should be noted that Common Core State Standards were never approved by a Michigan Legislature (or any state legislature for that matter). A press release sent by McMillian noted said that “Concerns have been raised