Thursday, April 25, 2013

UPDATE: May Day. Rally for immigrant rights + If the union leadership is talking to Cullerton, what’s the deal? | Fred Klonsky

If the union leadership is talking to Cullerton, what’s the deal? | Fred Klonsky:

May Day. Rally for immigrant rights.

may day

If the union leadership is talking to Cullerton, what’s the deal?

Photo credit: IEA. I asked Cinda if she wanted to address the crowd. “If they want me to,” she said.
The rumors have been floating around for about a week.
After being excluded from the pension discussion going on in the Illinois General Assembly, word has been circulating that the leadership of the state public employee unions are involved in negotiations.
With Cullerton at least.
Madigan is a different matter.
While some have argued that the unions must be at the table, others worry about what will be bargained away.
There is not a good record that the leadership can use to justify their bargaining skills.
There was the  creation of the two-tier pension system. The Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA). And

I’m speaking to Progress Illinois. (VIDEO)