Sunday, April 21, 2013

How Matchmaking Technology Can Help Reduce Teacher Turnover | toteachornototeach

How Matchmaking Technology Can Help Reduce Teacher Turnover | toteachornototeach:

How Matchmaking Technology Can Help Reduce Teacher Turnover

How Matchmaking Technology
Can Help Reduce Teacher Turnover

by Cassie Slane
The U.S education system faces a number of challenges, but I think we all can agree that good teachers are the backbone of our education system. Without good teachers, we have nothing. One problem that many schools face is the mass exodus of teachers after only a few years. In fact, 30 percent of new teachers quit before three years and almost 50 percent quit before five years. The biggest reason for leaving? Nope, not pay. It’s a little more complex than that. The biggest reason for leaving was the culture. It was satisfaction with working conditions, which included relationships with colleagues, quality of professional development, quality of the curriculum, building conditions, etc.
The complexities of matching a teacher to a school go beyond the typical three-paragraph description that job boards provide like and Schools have different cultures and curricula and