Saturday, April 20, 2013

Has John White lied to BESE and the State of Louisiana, or is inBloom lying? | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

Has John White lied to BESE and the State of Louisiana, or is inBloom lying? | Crazy Crawfish's Blog:

Has John White lied to BESE and the State of Louisiana, or is inBloom lying?

Regular readers of this bog may be aware that I am fighting the unlawful sharing of private student data to unsupervised private unaccountable vendors. I’ve even started a petition to support this effort. Friday morning I got some good news, or at least I thought I had. John White seemed to come to his senses and agreed to withdraw the student data he supplied to inBloom. InBloom is a privately operated data cloud that advertises its ability to host all personal student data, from Social Security Numbers, to names, dates of birth, pictures, medical information, discipline records and history, test scores, etc. John White tried to simply spin his inBloom “partnership” (his word not mine) as a data garage housing “cars” he likened to our students. White claimed like all garages, once the cars are parked there, no one can get the keys so our cars (kids) are perfectly safe.
inBloom cannot see or use any information regarding students or schools in Louisiana. This is like