Friday, April 12, 2013

Daily Kos: Paul Krugman takes apart the "Lust for Gold"

Daily Kos: Paul Krugman takes apart the "Lust for Gold":

Paul Krugman takes apart the "Lust for Gold"

in his NY Times column that begins:
News flash: Recent declines in the price of gold, which is off about 17 percent from its peak, show that this price can go down as well as up. You may consider this an obvious point, but, as an article in The Times on Thursday reports, it has come as a rude shock to many small gold investors, who imagined that they were buying the safest of all assets.
Krugman is focusing particularly on what he calls gold buggism, to distinguish it from treating gold as a sensible investment at some times.  He writes
No, being a goldbug means asserting that gold offers unique security in troubled times; it also means asserting that all would be well if we abolished the Federal Reserve and returned to the good old gold standard, in which the value of the dollar was fixed in terms of gold and that was that. And both forms of goldbuggism soared after 2008.