Friday, April 12, 2013

Daily Kos: Hell NO!!! No grand bargain.

Daily Kos: Hell NO!!! No grand bargain.:

Hell NO!!! No grand bargain.

One problem of being a poster at the end of a long stream of a blogathon is the fear that anything one can offer will probably have already been said.   Despite that, I asked for this slot for a reason -  because there are some things still left to be said.
Much of our discussion has focused on the impact of applying Chained CPI to social safety net programs.  As someone who is already on Social Security, that of course affects me personally.  As I consider the impact of this idea and of raising the age of Medicare eligibility on those who do physical labor, I am tempted to borrow words from Rep. Alan Grayson, who on his first stint in Congress said of Republicans that their plan for for health care was that you should not get sick, but if you do, die quickly.  The impact of the soc-called Grand Bargain after which the President continues to lust could be described as wanting a large number of people to do one of two things
1.  if you can get/keep a job, keep working until